So I posted a while ago about a problem I was having with my 93 SE, it was Vibrating, "missing" and shuddering at just about any speed, and was worst at 2-3K RPM's under load. It turns out my EGR valve was clogged up, after a nice cleaning my problems just about all went away and I had a way better driving experiance. however I still have slight power loss and vibration at 2-2.5K RPMs under load, in very little 3rd, slightly 4th and very noticeable in 5th, I figured it was still my EGR valve and something was wrong with it all together. about a week ago I seafoamed my car in hopes that it would help clear up the EGR, althought it helped clean everything out, it did not help my vibration. I got a donor EGR valve from my friends 93 V6 LE that he rolled, everything worked great on it to date. I installed this egr valve and my problems are still there, they were decreased though, my 3rd gear has extremely little to no vibration, 4th is insignificant and 5th is a little less harsh, but still jaring. Checked ignition, vacuum lines, CV's, got new tires(i needed new tires anyways, and some of my highspeed vibration that I had from the old tires is gone) and I have no CEL. and I am getting pretty terrible fuel economy, Ill admit I drive a little hard sometimes, but even when I keep it down I still only get about 250-300 miles on a tank. so heres my questions.
1. is it possible that the "new" egr valve is bad as well?
2. is there a difference in an Auto tranny EGR and Manual?(they look identical but have 1 number difference)
3. What can cause a Vibration at these RPM's under load?
4. is it just the design of the tranny that makes it not operate at the low rpms/high gears?
Reply 1 : 93 SE vibration 2-2.5K RPMs
Reply 2 : 93 SE vibration 2-2.5K RPMs
I have a slight vibration at anything under 3000 rpms or so. Mine does not feel motor related, it feels suspension or axle related. I have new pass axle. So not that. It feels like I am running over mini turtles in the roads. Not harsh ones just small vibrations. 93 se also
Reply 3 : 93 SE vibration 2-2.5K RPMs
hmm... how man miles on it? did you check the plugs? sounds similar to my problem when i first put my S/C on. one plug was cracked and under load at lower rpms it would miss-fire a little. the more load, the worse it was. also, how old is the cat? it may not be the source of the vibration (though a blocked cat can screw with the exhaust flow in a way that could cause it) a blocked EGR is a sign of extra deposits that may be clogging your cat and causing the power loss and bad mileage.
Reply 4 : 93 SE vibration 2-2.5K RPMs
Originally Posted by bigbird hmm... how man miles on it? did you check the plugs? sounds similar to my problem when i first put my S/C on. one plug was cracked and under load at lower rpms it would miss-fire a little. the more load, the worse it was. also, how old is the cat? it may not be the source of the vibration (though a blocked cat can screw with the exhaust flow in a way that could cause it) a blocked EGR is a sign of extra deposits that may be clogging your cat and causing the power loss and bad mileage.
Reply 5 : 93 SE vibration 2-2.5K RPMs
Originally Posted by 1BADBAJA I have a slight vibration at anything under 3000 rpms or so. Mine does not feel motor related, it feels suspension or axle related. I have new pass axle. So not that. It feels like I am running over mini turtles in the roads. Not harsh ones just small vibrations. 93 se also
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