Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rant about Toyota Santa Monica

Has anybody here had any experience with Toyota Santa Monica, California?

Well, except of them being overpriced.

I wanted to have an oilchange done, but it wouldn't go without bait & switch.

The service manager, Mr Jamie Kandziora (is he really a manager or a sales scammer filling in?), would not accept a coupon eventhough they said they would.

Wasted over an hour for such a simple matter!

Reply 1 : Rant about Toyota Santa Monica

thats why they call them stealerships

Reply 2 : Rant about Toyota Santa Monica

Talk to their customer relations department if you are unhappy. I've only dealt with their Finance Department (professionally), so I can't comment on their service dept. Let them try their best to satisfy you; if not, then you can escalate it and go to Toyota Customer Relations.

Reply 3 : Rant about Toyota Santa Monica

I used a coupon once at our Toyota dealer for service, when I went to pay there was an extra charge for some GM auto tranny additive fluid they had already put in. It's a Toyota... why would I want to put a GM fluid in a Toyota please tell me.

Never went back.

They also told me my 1ZZ used a timing belt !

Reply 4 : Rant about Toyota Santa Monica

go to another dealership.

Reply 5 : Rant about Toyota Santa Monica

There's a reason why they used a lure new customers in to screw. Classic ploy of all types of car dealers to dupe the unsuspecting public.

Reply 6 : Rant about Toyota Santa Monica


Originally Posted by rolla-XRS
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There's a reason why they used a lure new customers in to screw. Classic ploy of all types of car dealers to dupe the unsuspecting public.

For Toyota dealers in Southern California, most if not all, will match another dealer's coupon, provided that they are in the same region (Southern California Toyota Dealer Association), and not from a Toyota dealer in somewhere far away. Basically, the difference between the coupon and the dealer price is charged to the TDA.

Sometimes it will show up on your RO or receipt, but I've seen this in play as a customer and having worked in a service department flagging RO's.

Reply 7 : Rant about Toyota Santa Monica

Makes me happy that I do my own oil changes.

Reply 8 : Rant about Toyota Santa Monica

Well the coupon WAS from another SoCal dealer.

But what angered me is that they said over the phone they'd honor it, and when I drove there, Mr Jamie Kandziora totally denied that.

Instead, he "offered" me an oilchange for more than DOUBLE the coupon price and labeled it "a very good deal".

What a scam person/company that is!

"stealerships", good word! It fits Toyota Santa Monica totally!

I wrote to the hq, will see how they respond.

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